
A Short New York Story

I recall getting ready for my first trip to New York. All the chatter was how dangerous the city was and how rude the people were. But I didn’t experience any thing of the sort.

My first night in the city we went to a great little cafe in the East Village the waiter struck up a conversation with my sister and I. We told him it was our first time in the city so he set with us and gave us tons of advice about where to go and what to see. Sitting in Central Park, riding on the A train, at a coffee shop in Soho, the same thing.

The New York that we had been so adamantly warned about didn’t exist for us. At that same cafe a wasted white collar guy in his late 20’s named Josh insisted on buying us drinks and paying our bill we flirted and let him. Funny thing, that very night our first in the city my sister and I missed our train. The last train that night, back to our hotel in Jersey, on top of which we only brought just enough cash with us into the city. We’d left the rest back at our hotel.

Even so we hopped in a cab just outside of Penn Station and over the bridge to Newark. We paid for the it with the money Josh saved us by picking up the check. Thanks Josh, you saved us, two Cali girls who if it weren’t for you would have been stuck in the big bad apple.

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